The floating gigantic sculpture “The Bather”
is a 4 meters high by 30 meters long
(approx. 13 x 98 feet) lady sculpture
in Hamburg. It was made from steel and Styrofoam.
It can be seen at Alster Lake, as you notice her head and Knees floating on a lake. Looks like she enjoying bathing in the lake.
The Sculpture is a creation of Oliver Voss,
head of the advertising academy Miami Ad School.
It was made to show a woman enjoying
herself bathing in the lake.
Since the project was sponsored by a local soap
company which uses a mermaid as their branding image,
some people claim the sculpture is a blatant advertisement,
even though no logo or product description is shown.
“The Bather” will be hoisted out of the water
on August 12 by a crane.
And the company says they’ll have a giant towel
at the ready to dry her off.
Good thing, too: we expect she’ll be a bit
pruny after her 10-day soak.
Oliver Voss, hoofd van de Miami Ad School,
heeft een drijvend kunstwerk in het meer geplaatst.
Tien dagen lang zal de badende reuzenvrouw
in het meer blijven.
Van 3 tot en met 10 augustus 2011 is de
sculptuur ‘Die badende’ van kunstenaar
Oliver Voss te zien in het Hamburgse Binnenalstermeer.