

The floating gigantic sculpture “The Bather” 
is a 4 meters high by 30 meters long
(approx. 13 x 98 feet) lady sculpture
in Hamburg. It was made from steel and Styrofoam.
It can be seen at Alster Lake, as you notice her head and Knees floating on a lake. Looks like she enjoying bathing in the lake.

The Sculpture is a creation of Oliver Voss,
head of the advertising academy Miami Ad School.
It was made to show a woman enjoying
herself bathing in the lake.

Since the project was sponsored by a local soap
company which uses a mermaid as their branding image,
some people claim the sculpture is a blatant advertisement,
even though no logo or product description is shown.

“The Bather” will be hoisted out of the water
on August 12 by a crane.
And the company says they’ll have a giant towel
at the ready to dry her off.
Good thing, too: we expect she’ll be a bit
pruny after her 10-day soak.


Oliver Voss, hoofd van de Miami Ad School,
heeft een drijvend kunstwerk in het meer geplaatst.
Tien dagen lang zal de badende reuzenvrouw
in het meer blijven.

Van 3 tot en met 10 augustus 2011 is de
sculptuur ‘Die badende’ van kunstenaar
Oliver Voss te zien in het Hamburgse Binnenalstermeer.

5 opmerkingen:

Jennifer MacNeill zei

That's quite amazing!

Rita M zei

Die zag er echt wel leuk uit vind ik. Een heel gelukkig Nieuwjaar Anna, met veel liefde, vriendschap en een goede gezondheid!!

Lieve groet,

Nathanaëlle zei

Happy New Year Anna !

My Beautiful World zei

Wow this is awesome. Sending you the Happiest New Year Wishes Ever my friend. Just found your beautiful blog and have enjoyed looking around everything is so lovely. I'm now following so we can keep in touch, if you ever find a spare minute I hope you visit me sometime follow back if you like. I look forward to many more wonderful visits with you in 2012 xo

Always Wendy

Bridget zei

That's so funny, very amazing! The lights of the houses are beautiful, good idea!
Happy new year!!