
~ Ugly?


Or just Strange, odd and beautiful creatures?
of juist Raar, vreemd en prachtige wezens?

Paris Hilton holds "Diamond," a ChihuahuaTurtleDog CatHorsea 4-week-old southern three banded armadillo MonkeyCatSnow OwlPigmouse lemurbaby loris

3 opmerkingen:

The Real Estate Talker zei

Aren't these animals beautiful. I see beauty in every animal, I am an animal lover, they are all so cute

Alina zei

Maybe for some, but I can honestly say, they have made me smile! Thank you :0)

June zei

I love this post! Some are definitely cuter than others, but I think if we look hard enough we can find the beauty in anything. Some of these make me realize that our Creator has a sense of humor.