
~It’s Snowing Again!!!

Richard took these photo’s
Our Garden in the Snow!!!

Richard heeft foto’s gemaakt
van onze tuin in de sneeuw!!!


fairysnow-kiss ~ LINK ~

Did you know that
when you’re Walking in the Snow
you could be Kissed  by a

Wist je dat je
onverwachts door een Winter Fairy
Gekust kon worden als je in de
Sneeuw Wandelt?

snow-heart ~ LINK ~



I Wish You All a Wonderful Weekend
And don't Forget to bring in Flowers...



~Castle in the Sky

There’s a place in my mind
No one knows where it hides
And my fantasy is flying
It’s a castle in the sky

It’s a world of our past
Where the legend still lasts
And the king wears the crown
But the magic spell is law

Take your sword and your shield
There’s a battle on the field
You’re a knight and you’re right
So with dragons now you’ll fight

And my fancy is flying
It’s a castle in the sky
Or there’s nothing out there
These are castles in the air.

castle in the sky
Fairytales live in me
Fables coming from my memory
Fantasy is not a crime
Find your castle in the sky

You’ve got the key
Of the kingdom of the clouds
Open the door
Leaving back your doubts

You’ve got the power
To live another childhood
So ride the wind
That leads you to the moon 'cause..."

Lyrics and Song by Dj Satomi
Digital Art by Me;



Orphaned hedgehogs adopt cleaning brush as their mother!
It is a few Years ago but still very Adorable to see!


~Crystal Palace


Crystal Palace was een door kassenbouwer
Joseph Paxton ontworpen gebouw voor de
wereldtentoonstelling van 1851 in Hyde Park (Londen).
Het was gebouwd in Victoriaanse stijl en bestond uit hout,
gietijzer en glassegmenten (84.000 m²).
Het Crystal Palace was hierdoor vrijwel doorzichtig.
Het had de afmetingen van 564 bij 124 m en een totaal
oppervlakte van 92.000 m². Het hoogste
punt bedroeg 33 m. De constructie was mogelijk
gemaakt door de industriële revolutie en de
vooruitgang in de metaalproductie.

Na de wereldtentoonstelling werd het gehele gebouw
verplaatst naar Sydenham Hill en uitgebreid
(615 bij 150 m). Het originele Crystal Palace kostte
£ 79.800 en werd door 2000 arbeiders in acht maanden
tijd gebouwd, echter, de herbouw en uitbreiding
kostte £1.300.000. In 1860 brandde een deel van
het gebouw af en op 30 november 1936 brandde
het volledig uit. Crystal Palace is nooit herbouwd.

Great Exhibition of 1851-1854

The Crystal Palace was a cast-iron and glass
building originally erected in Hyde Park, London, England,
to house the Great Exhibition of 1851.
More than 14,000 exhibitors from around the world
gathered in the Palace's 990,000 square feet
(92,000 m2) of exhibition space to display examples of
the latest technology developed in the Industria Revolution.
Designed by Joseph Paxton, the Great Exhibition
building was 1,851 feet (564 m) long,
with an interior height of 108 feet (33 m).

After the exhibition, the building was moved to a
new park in a high, healthy and affluent area of
London called Sydenham Hill, an area not much
changed today from the well-heeled suburb full of large
villas that it was during its Victorian heyday.
The Crystal Palace was enlarged and stood in the
area from 1854 to 1936, when it was destroyed by fire.
It attracted many thousands of visitors from all levels
of society. The name Crystal Palace
(the satirical magazine Punch usually gets the credit
for coining the phrase) was later used to denote this
area of south London and the park that surrounds the site,
home of the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre.


Although the iron and glass of the Crystal Palace
are long gone, the Crystal Palace Park is once again a
music center of London and still retains many original
and recreated features and elements, including
the "Saurians" (dinosaurs) and "coloured fire"
(fireworks) lamented as forever lost 70 years ago.
In 2003, the original dinosaur park was reopened to the
public after a £4 million restoration.
And the modern fireworks displays that take place
regularly in the park echo the famous Brock's fireworks
displays that ran from 1865 until 1936.



~Time for a little music

Lyrics from India Arie.

Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don’t
Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won’t
Depend on how the wind blows I might even paint my toes
It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul

I’m not the average girl from your video
and I ain’t built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a Queen
I’m not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I’m wearing I will always be the India Arie

When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me
Every freckle on my face is where it’s supposed to be
And I know our creator didn’t make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes; I’m lovin’ what I see

I’m not the average girl from your video
and I ain’t built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a Queen
I’m not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I’m wearing I will always
be the India Arie

Am I less of a lady if I don’t wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain’t what she wears but,
what she knows
But, I’ve drawn a conclusion, it’s all an illusion,
confusion’s the name of the game
A misconception, a vast deception
Something’s gotta change
but,Don’t be offended this is all my opinion
ain’t nothing that I’m sayin law
This is a true confession of a life learned lesson
I was sent here to share with y’all
So get in where you fit in go on and shine
Clear your mind, now’s the time
Put your salt on the shelf
Go on and love yourself
‘Cuz everything’s gonna be all right

I’m not the average girl from your video
and I ain’t built like a supermodel
But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a Queen
I’m not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I’m wearing I will always be the India Arie

Keep your fancy drinks and your expensive minks
I don’t need that to have a good time
Keep your expensive car and your caviar
All I need is my guitar
Keep your Kristal and your pistol
I’d rather have a pretty piece of crystal
Don’t need your silicone I prefer my own
What God gave me is just fine.

I’m not the average girl from your video
and I ain’t built like a supermodel
But, I learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a Queen
I’m not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I’m wearing I will always be India Arie.


~It’s Weekend Again!!!

have an

….I Wish You All an Amazing Weekend….




(Dasypodidae) zijn de enige overlevende
familie uit de gordeldierachtigen (Cingulata).
De familie komt voor in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika.
Het negenbandgordeldier (Dasypus novemcinctus) is de
enige soort die in Noord-Amerika voortkomt, in het
zuidoosten van de Verenigde Staten.
Er zijn 21 levende soorten in acht geslachten (zie lijst).

De kleinste soort, de gordelmol (Chlamyphorus truncatus)
weegt minder dan 100 gram, terwijl de grootste soort,
het reuzengordeldier (Priodontes maximus) meer dan
60 kilogram kan worden. Alle soorten bezitten
een pantser, bestaande uit verbeende huidschilden.
Het zijn allen insectivoren. De meeste soorten eten
ook ander voedsel, als kleine gewervelden, eieren,
paddenstoelen en vruchten.

Gordeldieren spelen ook een belangrijke rol in de
wetenschap. Het negenbandige gordeldier heeft een
ongebruikelijk voortplantingssysteem, in die zin dat
het eeneiige vierlingen kan voortbrengen.
Dit betekent dat alle vier de jongen uit één nest
dezelfde genetische informatie met zich meedragen.
Dit komt van pas in onderzoek waarbij vergelijkingen
gemaakt moeten worden tussen constante factoren,
in dit geval bij de genetisch identieke gordeldieren.
Hier hebben zowel medicinale als gedragsonderzoeken baat bij.


Armadillos are small placental mammals, known
for having a leathery armor shell. The Dasypodidae
are the only surviving family in the order Cingulata, part of the superorder Xenarthra along with the anteaters and sloths.
The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one".

There are approximately 10 extant genera and around
20 extant species of armadillo, some of which are
distinguished by the number of bands on their armor.
Their average length is about 75 centimeters (30 in),
including tail; the Giant Armadillo grows up to 1.5 m
(5 ft) and weighs 59 kg (130 lbs), while the
Pink Fairy Armadillos are diminutive species with an
overall length of 12–15 cm (4–5 in).
All species are native to the Americas,
where they inhabit a variety of environments.

Hairy Armadillo in the Sand

In the United States, the sole resident armadillo is
the Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus),
which is most common in the central southernmost states, particularly Texas. Their range is as far east as
South Carolina and Florida and as far north as Nebraska;
they have been consistently expanding their range
over the last century due to a lack of natural predators
and have been found as far north as Illinois,
Indiana and southern Ontario.


Armadillos are prolific diggers. Many species use their
sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens.
The Nine-banded Armadillo prefers to build burrows
in moist soil near the creeks, streams,
and arroyos around which it lives and feeds.
The diet of different armadillo species varies, but consists
mainly of insects, grubs, and other invertebrates.
Some species, however, are almost entirely formicivorous
(feeding mainly on ants).

Armadillos have poor vision. The armor is formed by
plates of dermal bone covered in relatively small,
overlapping epidermal scales called "scutes", composed
of bone with a covering of horn. In most species,
there are rigid shields over the shoulders and hips,
with a number of bands separated by flexible skin
covering the back and flanks.
Additional armor covers the top of the head,
the upper parts of the limbs, and the tail.
The underside of the animal is never armored,
and is simply covered with soft skin and fur.



~Someone to Walk With….

a nice walk  

Everything feels easier
when you have someone to walk with you
on the tracks of life...


~Wish Upon a Falling Star!

Voor Nederlandse vertaling verder naar beneden scrollen!

fallingstar by david delamore

A "falling star" or a "shooting star" has nothing at all
to do with a star! These amazing streaks of light you
can sometimes see in the night sky are caused by
tiny bits of dust and rock called meteoroids
falling into the Earth's atmosphere and burning up.
The short-lived trail of light the burning meteoroid
produces is called a meteor. Meteors are commonly
called falling stars or shooting stars.
If any part of the meteoroid survives burning up and
actually hits the Earth, that remaining bit is
then called a meteorite.


At certain times of year, you are likely to see a
great number of meteors in the night sky.
These events are called meteor showers and they occur
when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by
a comet as it orbits the Sun. These showers are given
names based on the constellation present in the sky
from which they appear to originate.
For example, the Leonid Meteor Shower, or Leonids,
appear to originate in the constellation Leo.
It is important to understand that the meteoroids
(and therefore the meteors) do not really originate
from the constellations or any of the stars in the constellations, however. They just seem to come from that part of
the sky because of the way the Earth encounters the
particles moving in the path of the comet's orbit.
Associating the shower name with the region of the sky they
seem to come from just helps astronomers know where to look!

Cartoon diagram of comet path through solar system.

The dust and rocks that cause meteor showers come
primarily from the Earth passing through the debris
stream left behind by a comet as it orbits the Sun.
Usually, the Earth's orbit and the comet's orbit are slightly
tilted relative to one another.
So the paths only intersect on one side!


falling star

Een meteoor staat ook wel bekend als een
vallende ster, maar heeft niets met een ster te maken.
Het is een kortstondig
lichtspoor aan de hemel dat men ziet wanneer een
klein stofdeeltje (een meteoroïde) op ca. 100 km hoogte
met een enorme snelheid (tot tientallen km per seconde)
in de atmosfeer van de Aarde terecht komt.
De meteoroïde wordt door de atmosfeer afgeremd.
Door de enorme wrijvingskrachten die hierbij ontstaan
wordt het deeltje uiteengerukt tot losse moleculen en
"verdampt" het als het ware volledig.
Bij lichamen groter dan het gemiddelde atmosferische
vrije pad (10 cm tot verscheidene meters) wordt dit
zichtbare licht veroorzaakt door de hitte als gevolg
van ram pressure, en niet door wrijving, zoals
meestal aangenomen wordt. De wrijvingskrachten
doen bovendien ook de omringende lucht oplichten,
zoals een elektrische stroom het gas in een buislamp.
Er is dus een ionisatie van de omliggende luchtkolom.
Het lichtspoor begint te ontstaan en wekt soms de illusie
van een ster, die zich plotseling snel verplaatst.

Een deeltje ter grootte van een erwt geeft al een
bijzonder heldere lichtstreep. Een zeer helder lichtspoor
(helderder dan de planeet Venus) wordt ook wel
een vuurbol of bolide genoemd.

Meteoroïden vallen 24 uur per dag de atmosfeer binnen,
maar de lichteffecten zijn (behalve in zeer uitzonderlijke
gevallen) alleen 's nachts te zien, en met het
blote oog alleen als het heel donker is.

Meteoren kunnen afzonderlijk komen, maar ook in
zwermen of sterrenregens, bijvoorbeeld
de Leoniden of Perseïden.

Sam Skelton Catch a falling starGreat Art by Sam-Skelton.

Het zien van een vallende ster is volgens de folklore
aanleiding tot het doen van een wens.


~Lovely Sunday!!!

kiss via my wonderland
Hope your Day will be

a Lovely one -

Full of Hugs and Kisses

from Those you Love!



It’s WeeKend Again!

Have a Wonderful

Enchanting Time!!!

P.S: Does anybody know who’s painting this is?




A pademelon is any of seven species of small
marsupials of the genus Thylogale. They are usually
found in forests. Pademelons are the smallest of
the macropods. The name is a corruption of badimaliyan,
from the Dharuk Aboriginal language of Port Jackson.

Pademelons, wallabies, and kangaroos are very alike
in body structure, and the names just refer to the
three different size groups. Originally wallabies were
divided into small and large wallabies, but a more suitable
name was needed to differentiate between them.

Besides their smaller size, pademelons can be distinguished
from wallabies by their shorter, thicker, and sparsely haired tails

Er zijn 7 soorten: Species:
*Thylogale billardierii - Roodbuikpademelon
*Thylogale browni
*Thylogale brunii - De Bruijnpademelon
*Thylogale calabyi
*Thylogale lanatus
*Thylogale stigmatica - Roodpootpademelon
*Thylogale thetis -Red-necked Pademelons

Pademelons (Thylogale) zijn een geslacht van
kangoeroes dat voorkomt in oostelijk Australië, Tasmanië,
Nieuw-Guinea en de eilandgroepen Bismarck-archipel en
Aru-eilanden. Hun naam is een verbastering van
"badimaliyan", een woord dat in de taal van de
Dharuk Aboriginals gebruikt wordt voor Port Jackson,
de natuurlijke haven van Sydney.

Red-necked Pademelons can be found in the coastal
regions of Queensland and New South Wales.
In some places their range has been drastically reduced.
Red-legged Pademelons can also be found in
south-central New Guinea. The Red-bellied or
Tasmanian Pademelon is abundant in Tasmania.
The Dusky Pademelon lives in Papua New Guinea and
surrounding islands. It was previously called the
Aru Island Wallaby. Before that, it was called the Philander,
which is the name it bears in Cornelis de Bruijn's Travels,
originally published in 1698; the Latin name of this
species is called after De Bruijn.

The natural habitat of the pademelon is in thick scrubland
or dense forested undergrowth. They also make tunnels
through long grasses and bushes in swampy country.

Red-necked Pademelons jong

De pademelons zijn de kleinste kangoeroeachtigen
uit de familie Macropodidae. Ze onderscheiden
zich van andere kangoeroesoorten door de korte,
dikke, vrijwel haarloze staart.
Bovendien bewegen de pademelons zich over het
algemeen voort op vier poten en slechts zelden springen
ze rond op alleen de achterpoten zoals de andere kangoeroes
uit de familie Macropodidae dat doen.
De pademelons zijn bewoners van dichtbegroeide
bosgebieden, waaronder tropisch regenwouden
en eucalyptusbossen. Ze leven solitiar of in
kleine groepen. De pademelons zijn vooral actief in
de schemering of 's nachts. Deze kangoeroes voeden
zich met grassen, bladeren en afgevallen vruchten.

Pademelon meat used to be considered valuable and
was eaten by settlers and aborigines for a long time.
Although their meat is very low in fat and cholesterol
(like that of all kangaroos), it is considered by many
Australians to be inferior to more mundane meats,
such as beef, pork, or lamb.

Aside from being killed for their meat and soft fur,
their numbers have been reduced by the introduction
of predators such as feral cats, dogs, and foxes.
The rabbit explosion has also caused problems,
as rabbits graze on the same grasses making less
available for the pademelon. Also, clearing of land
for homes has pushed the larger wallabies and kangaroos
into land that pademelons had been thriving in for so long.

Red-necked Pademelon

Tasmanian Pademelons were important to the
Thylacine's diet, and are still preyed on by quolls,
Tasmanian Devils, pythons, and Wedge-tailed Eagles.
Despite these predators, there are many in Tasmania
and its outlying smaller islands, and every year many
are killed off to keep their numbers down.

 Red-necked Pademelon

De foto’s zijn allen van de Thylogale thetis -
Red-necked Pademelon – Roodhalspademelon.

De bovenkant van het lichaam is grotendeels bruin,
op de rode nek en schouders na.
De onderkant is wit tot vuilwit.
De staart is kort, dik en grijs.
De kop-romplengte bedraagt 320 tot 600 mm,
de staartlengte 300 tot 510 mm en het gewicht voor
vrouwtjes tot 4 kg en tot 7 kg voor mannetjes.

On All photo’s you see the
Thylogale thetis -Red-necked Pademelon.
He is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
