
~Update on Remy~

Thanks for crossing your fingers and anything
else what can be crossed! LOL
Remy is doing much better now..
His medicine is obviously working!

Afbeelding 06a6

Who are YOU…?
This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation.
`I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know
who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I
must have been changed several times since then.'
~Alice in Wonderland~

Ik wil jullie hartelijk danken dat jullie je duimen
gedraaid hebben voor onze kleine Remy,
want het heeft echt geholpen.
De medicijnen hebben aangeslagen, hij is weer
behoorlijk opgeknapt, z’n ademhaling gaat ‘n stuk beter!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Ana, I am so happy Remy is ok! I have said many prayers for him and thought of him so much... he is looking beautiful! My prayers will continue... much love to you both... Julie Marie

  2. What sweet photos of your little duckling! Or shall the duckling grow to be a lovely swan...???

    You have a lovely blog. Thank you for sharing your lovely images!

    Have a beautiful weekend in your fairy garden!

    Debbykay @ Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  3. what a cute little duckling! i am glad to hear he is better!


  4. G'mornin' Remy....so glad you're feeling better...and found a new friend :O) Please, say hi to Anna from me!

  5. Ach.. zo grappig die foto met die kikker...blij dat Remy weer opgekikkert is:))

  6. Ooo wat fijn dat Remy zich weer beter voelt!!



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